Wayback Machine
6 Feb 2002 - 20 Nov 2002
Four years ago, I semi-retired from an above-top-secret private organization. For the past 29 years, the Visitors and this watchdog agency have helped us keep an eye on Earth’s governments and corresponding subversive groups. I am currently writing the first of three books about this Ω Agency and my experiences with the Visitors.
Richard Clayton Harris, Jr.
Born August 3, 1915
Died August 12, 1997
Budget & Fiscal Officer
Roswell Army Air Field 1947
Roswell, New Mexico
July 4, 1947: The day that Roswell, New Mexico, became the Mecca for UFO investigators. The day that the United States Government started one of its longest and greatest cover-ups. Dad was at the very heart of it. I was almost six months old.
As Budget and Fiscal Officer, it was his job to allot the funds necessary for the cleanup and cover-up of a crashed space ship north of Roswell that has become known as The Roswell Incident. Dad allotted the funds to pay for housing and food for extra personnel, and extra fuel for the unscheduled flights to the air field at Fort Worth, Texas, and then on to Wright Patterson Field near Dayton, Ohio.
Dad had a chance to view the bodies. But he did not have a strong stomach. As he approached the door to the morgue, the odor turned him away.
However, he did mention in a 1997 interview with Kevin Randle for Strange Universe, that it was, in fact, a space ship that had crashed near Roswell in 1947.
As a result of this interview, which first aired February 12, 1997, Dad was killed in his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dad was 82. The circumstances behind his death are very strange, indeed. Being confined to use a walker, it was unusual for it not to end up near his body. There was a six-inch hole in the adobe wall; his skull was crushed in the back, and his neck was broken. The Albuquerque Police Department and the Medical Investigator said that the hole was caused by his fall from a standing height. But what made the purple bruises on his forehead and face? Why was his body found ten feet from that hole in the wall? Why was there blood on the carpet, on the couch, and on the phone?? Why were his slippers found at the opposite end of the room, in the dining area, on opposite sides of that room??? None of this was mentioned in the police report or in the coroner's report. One more question: Why were there CIA agents investigating along with the APD?
I have had a life-long interest in UFOs and Visitors because of being born in Roswell in 1947, and because my father was directly involved in the Roswell Incident.
All my life, I would ask Dad to tell me about what he saw. He would bend down, get right in my face and shout, "We were told to forget it. It never happened."
But I never stopped asking him.
In 1996, I opened a small business in Old Town Albuquerque called UFO LAB. It was a huge success for such a tiny shop. Then, a free-lance producer's wife, Mrs. John Grace, found the UFO LAB. She brought John along on her very next visit and he asked to do an interview as UFO LAB was the only one of its kind in the world at that time. During the interview, I explained about my dad and my life-long interest in this subject. I was shocked when Dad agreed to be inter- viewed by Kevin Randle for Strange Universe. The segment turned out well. I was rather pleased. It first aired on February 12, 1997. And, Strange Universe ran our segment all that year in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident. About once a week, customers would come running into the UFO LAB and excitedly tell me that they'd seen me on television the night before. Life was fun.
On August 13, 1997, my brother called to tell me that our father was dead. He had been dead for about 12 hours when his caregiver found him and called 911.
Less than one month later, Stanton Friedman introduced me to Dennis Bossack on September 9, 1997. It was love at first sight. We were married on December 27, 1997. Even though Dennis and Dad never got to meet each other, Dennis honors him, and me, by referring to Dad as his father-in-law. We packed up and headed for the East Coast on January 14, 1998, settling in Hope Valley, Rhode Island, on March 27, 1998.
In September, 1999, plans were initiated to re-open the UFO LAB in Richmond, Rhode Island. The grand opening of our museum, information center and gift shop began the week of November 22, 1999. Stan Friedman was in attendance for a book signing and chatting with customers. Of course, he charmed everyone, as usual. Along with many other famous folks, Stan's also been a guest on our radio show, DNA LIVE RADIO which aired on Sundays, from 6 to 10pm, WBLQ, 88.1 FM, Westerly, Rhode Island. Our last show was December 2, 2001, but we will doing an internet radio show after we settle in New Mexico.
Ann Harris LaFeir Bossack
November 22, 1999, saw the opening of our small retail business, UFO LAB. This actually was a re-opening as Ann started the UFO LAB in Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1996.
Ann and I met thousands of wonderful and interesting people through the UFO LAB and the monthly meetings we held there. We also made some very close friends. As it turned out, we also met some nasty and misguided people. I guess that comes with the territory.
Mr. Timothy Goodness was one of those people fitting into the latter category.
Shortly after our grand re-opening, Mr. Goodness’ wife, LeeAnn, came into our shop where she met Ann. Ann and LeAnn hit it off nicely. Shortly after that, Mr. Goodness came into the shop to purchase a pair of earrings LeeAnn liked for Christmas, 1999.
Mr. Goodness returned many times after that to sit and talk about Visitors, UFOs, government cover-ups and government conspiracies. He seemed like a nice man. He appeared to be informed on these topics. Mr. Goodness and I seemed to become friends. I even invited Mr. Goodness to be on our radio show and discuss the paranormal, a topic in which he seemed very interested.
A great blessing came upon the Goodnesses: his name is Timmy, their son. Timmy was born with some serious health problems. Ann and I introduced the Goodnesses to a friend who owns a wonderful and powerful Herbery in Connecticut. This place is teeming with ley-lines and unbelievably healing energy. Ann and I suggested that the Goodness couple take Timmy to the Herbery to be in the mist of this healing energy. They tried it.
It worked, Timmy’s health started to improve. If this was due to the healing energy or some other means, we don’t know. But, Timmy’s health improving was a VERY good thing.
Ann and I fell in love with Timmy. He is extremely bright and beautiful. Ann and I showered Timmy with gifts, which were accepted graciously by his parents. And, why not? Timmy is, as I said, a bright and beautiful child and, we hope, continuing in good health.
Unbeknownst to Ann or me, Mr. Goodness became angry that I suggested they try the herbery. It was at this point that Mr. Goodness started to attack us. We don’t understand why that would make him angry. Our intentions were to help our new friends with their ill child. Thank God it worked. We wish Timmy all the best.
Mr. Goodness, who was becoming a frequent guest on our radio show, started to question me about our radio show. Questions such as. “IF you’re not a Rhode Islander, than how did you get a radio show here?” This perplexed me. What does NOT being a Rhode Islander have to do with having a radio show in Rhode Island?
For a while, Mr. Goodness stopped coming to the shop and being on the radio show.
Mr. Goodness was a truck driver for Tomaquage Valley Milk Transportation of Bradford, Rhode Island, from February 2000 to January 2001. Part of his job, I was told, was to deliver milk to Garelick Farms, Incorporated, of Franklin, Massachusetts.
After not seeing Mr. Goodness for some time, he wandered into our shop around September of 2000.
Mr. Goodness seemed concerned and upset at the lack of hygiene he said he witnessed at the Garelick Farms facility to which he delivered the raw milk that he collects from several small dairy farms.
Mr. Goodness went on to ask us to do an expose’ on Garelick Farms. He asked if we would purchase a tiny video camera that he could wear into the area of Garelick Farms which he stated was filthy and unhealthy. He also asked that after we get the “goods” on Garelick Farms, that maybe we could take it to Sixty Minutes or a similar show and expose their filthy conditions and unhealthy products.
This idea intrigued us. However, we have our ways of checking things. We did our own investigation into Mr. Goodness’ claims. We came up empty. Conditions at Garelick Farms were clean and healthy and in good order. We let it drop and were relieved to do so. We didn’t hear from Mr. Goodness for a while after that.
On the morning of January 26, 2001, at 9:55 am, we received a telephone call, at home, from a representative of Garelick Farms’ legal department.
The representative told us that Garelick Farms knew of the expose’ we were looking into. He named Mr. Goodness as the instigator of this expose’ and asked if we were going to continue our investigation. The representative went on to say that conditions at Garelick Farms were approved by the FDA and in fact, exceeded FDA standards and that if we chose to continue our investigation, legal action would be taken against us.
We told this man that we, in fact, had investigated these charges and had come up empty. We also told him that we had abandoned the idea of an expose’ due to a lack of evidence corroborating Mr. Goodness’ claims. He then asked if we would put that in writing and send him a copy. We did so.
At 4:30 pm, that same day, January 26, 2001, we received a call from the owner of the radio station that hosted our program. He told us that someone named Tim Goodness had called stating that Ann and I had gotten him fired from his job as a truck driver for Tomaquage Valley Milk Transportation. The owner of the radio station went on to say that Mr. Goodness begged him to help him get his job back as he had a wife and child and needed the job. (Mr. Goodness had previously told us that in the past he had been fired from many jobs because he wouldn’t put up with being told what to do or how to do it. We wonder if this is what happened this time.)
At this point, Mr. Goodness started stalking us. He has contacted our radio guests and harassed them. He has sent them altered tapes of us saying things HE wanted us to say. One of our past guests said he laughed so hard at the poor quality of the tapes Mr. Goodness mailed him that he almost fell over. This guest couldn’t believe that someone would put together such a bad copy of sections of several recordings and expect people to believe it. He said it was an insult to his intelligence.
We have received many emails from Mr. Goodness. We contacted our local police department about his harassment and intimidation. They now have a file on Mr. Goodness.
Lately, Mr. Goodness has become rude and violent in his emails to our guests. He has begun using profanity and threats in these emails to our guests if they should decide to appear on our program. Again, we alerted the police department. The police department told us nothing could be done until Mr. Goodness acted on one of his threats. Then he would be arrested. Thankfully, to our knowledge, Mr. Goodness has not acted on any of those threats so far.
Mr. Goodness is a very large man and uses his size and mannerisms to intimidate those around him. Such immature behavior saddens us.
To this day, Mr. Goodness continues his crusade against Ann and me. He is still writing to guests that have appeared on our show and is now writing to friends we have linked on our web site.
Maturity is not a word in Mr. Goodness’ vocabulary. And, we believe that he does not own, or have access to a dictionary.
Ann and I agreed with our attorney to not respond to any of Mr. Goodness’ emails or to accept any telephone calls from him.
However, after more than a year of harassing our guests, our contacts and us, Ann and I felt it is time to let everyone know what Mr. Goodness’ baseless vendetta is about.
Mr. Goodness emailed us the speakers’ schedule for the upcoming 11th Annual International UFO Congress Convention & Film Festival, to be held March 3-9, 2002, in Laughlin, Nevada. We notice that Mr. Goodness is scheduled to speak on Wednesday of that week. We wish him all the best because we know it is not easy to speak to a large, live audience.
We hope our friends and associates will understand our reasons for not warning them of Mr. Goodness and accept our sincere heart-felt apologies.
Dennis & Ann Bossack
The outsider
Once the darling of the UFO community, Dennis Bossack is now described as ‘the worst thing that ever happened’ to it. Where did he go wrong?
In 1997, Dennis Bossack boosted his status in the UFO field even further when he met and married a woman named Ann Harris. When Dennis met Ann, she owned a space-age emporium called the UFO Lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico. One of the only businesses of its kind at the time, the lab attracted national publicity. It seemed the perfect base for Dennis Bossack to loose his Omega theories on the world.
Better yet, Ann had impeccable credentials of her own. She is a native of Roswell, New Mexico, the Mecca of the UFO movement. Her father, Richard Clayton Harris Jr., was stationed at the Roswell air field in 1947, the year a space craft is supposed to have crash-landed there. As a budget officer, Ann says, Lieutenant Harris allotted the funds for the clean-up and cover-up of the crash site. In 1997, the noted UFO expert Kevin Randle investigated Harris’s claims for the TV show Strange Universe, and called them "credible." In the UFO community, this is as close to a ringing endorsement as you’re likely to get.
Ann also counted Stanton Friedman — one of the UFO field’s most respected investigators — among her friends. Indeed, it was Friedman who first introduced Dennis to Ann. The couple insist, though, that their marriage was more a matter of divine — or at least otherworldly — intervention. "When the Creator formed the foundations of the earth," says Ann, "he meant me for Dennis and Dennis for me."
In any case, the two share one thing in common: both have had a lifelong obsession with things that go bleep in the night. And, whether or not you believe their account of the night they met, the way they tell the story lends credence to Ann’s assertion that they are "a match made in heaven."
The museum at the UFO Lab is, in fact, not really a museum at all — at least not in the traditional sense of the word. It is a visual representation of the Bossacks’ world-view — a fascinating, idiosyncratic, even gonzo take on the UFO phenomenon. "History as we know it is wrong," Ann says, puffing a cigarette. "There is information in here you can’t get anywhere else on earth."
On this point she is absolutely right. Following a brief tour of the museum, I am led through another door and ushered into a back room, where, surrounded by jars of peanut butter, computer equipment, and UFO paraphernalia, Dennis and Ann Bossack tell me stories I am quite sure I could not hear anywhere else on earth. Or possibly the universe.
The OMEGA Agency is the security force for the Universal Government. The Universal Government consists of 752 advanced planets from around the known universe," says Dennis, bracing himself to deliver a pitch he has clearly made many times before. "I was the director of the agency here on earth."
This stuff goes on for about four hours, and not once does Dennis deviate from his deadpan, matter-of-fact delivery. Indeed, the truly impressive thing about his stories is that they are both incoherent and consistent. Ask Dennis a questions about the tiniest detail of his Omega days, and he will fire back an answer before you can blink in disbelief.
The story begins in New York, back in the early 1970s, when a pair of Omega representatives approached Dennis about working for the agency. "Men in Black, that’s what they looked like," he says. "White shirts, black pants, black jacket, black tie. They knocked on my apartment door. I said, ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ "
A visit to Omega headquarters, five miles beneath the New Mexico desert, allayed his doubts. "It was amazing," he says. "The first place we went to was the cafeteria. It was stark white, immaculately clean, indirect lighting everywhere. They had any kind of food you wanted to eat, Zeta food too. They had this mango-banana-type food that’s very sweet. I’m a diabetic, and I could eat it."
After meeting with the Omega leader, Dennis agreed to join the agency. He ended up working there, he says, for 28 years, 15 of those as director. His main job was overseeing the day-to-day operation of the underground facility, in which hundreds of earthlings and Visitors worked side by side to prepare the planet for the day Omega takes over. "It was a very hectic life," he says, "very time-consuming. I missed a lot of family functions."
Dennis "semi-retired" from Omega in 1997, though he still has a role in the organization. He is, in his own words, a sort of PR man. Even so, Dennis misses the Omega lifestyle. "It’s one big family down there," he says. "Everybody watches out for everybody." He especially misses his friend Aviel, the hamburger-munching Reticulan.
Aviel still works at Omega as a biologist, specializing in the study of human emotions. Actually, this isn’t entirely accurate — she studies earthling emotions. Aviel is herself a human being, as are all the Visitors. She is simply 200 million years more evolved than we are.
For Aviel, earthlings are like infants. She finds us difficult to understand. We make her sad. She used to quiz Dennis for hours, asking question after question about our aggressive, warlike ways. "For her, this was like looking into the past," he says. "Her planet actually had 12 world wars before they matured. But she hasn’t seen any of that. Watching earth is like watching ancient Zeta."
More often than not, Dennis and Aviel’s conversations concerned more mundane subjects, like family and work. Aviel has a husband and two kids back on Zeta, Dennis says, and "every other weekend or so" she would go back for a visit. Occasionally, Dennis would go with her.
"It’s actually only a 15-minute trip," he says. "That puppy takes off from zero to 10 times the speed of light, and you have no idea you’re doing it. You do not have to be seat-belted in. You do not have to be seated."
It’s been a while since Dennis went to Zeta, and it’s been a while since he saw Aviel. "We still communicate telepathically," he says, "but it’s not the same." The day of Dennis’s retirement, Aviel demonstrated her regard for him by violating a Reticulan taboo. "One of the things that surprised me most after 25 years of working with Aviel," he says, "I was the only one who left there and got a hug. To her, any kind of touching is sexual, but she had to take that and turn it into an earth gesture to say goodbye."
"They don’t even shake hands," adds Ann, without a hint of jealousy.